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The global demand for environmentally friendly polymerization catalysts is increasing

Time:2022-12-04   Views:1409

Recently, S&P Global's latest Specialty Chemicals Update Program (SCUP) "Catalysts, Petroleum and Chemical Processes" report said that in 2021, the polymerization catalyst market was worth about $9.8 billion, accounting for more than half of the chemical catalyst market. Among them, polyolefin catalysts are the major segment of the polymer catalyst market, with a market value of about $5 billion. As more customers seek greener, cleaner solutions, sustainability has become a major factor influencing polymer catalyst production.

Catalyst manufacturer Grace said demand for polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) catalysts was "healthy" in the full year of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022 due to high industry operating rates. However, since then, driven by high inflation, slowing demand growth and the commissioning of new capacity, the operating rate has fallen to about 80%. Laura Schwinn, president of Grace's specialty catalysts business, said: "We have seen macroeconomic changes since the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, and catalyst demand has also changed in end-use applications. Currently, demand related to infrastructure and automotive end-use applications is slowing, but the demand for flexible and rigid packaging in e-commerce, medical, food, and industrial packaging applications is increasing. "Polyolefin demand is closely related to GDP growth. Overall catalyst demand is expected to keep pace with GDP through next year. Schwen said sustainability is a priority across the value chain and is currently a priority in catalyst development. "We meet the health needs of consumers by applying phthalate-free catalysts, and our portfolio of catalysts also enables low volatile organic compound and low extractables production."

Lenka Richter Lukesova, Polyolefin Product Manager at Clariant's Catalysts Division, said that interest in Clariant's phthalate-free catalysts in 2022 is much higher than in previous years. Because end users want to eliminate phthalates right from the raw material when producing plastics. In addition to phthalate-free catalysts, more and more customers are looking for higher catalyst activity. By using more active catalysts, such as the PolyMax 600 series of non-phthalate olefin polymerization catalysts, yields can be increased while saving energy and reducing operating costs.

Alain Rynwalt, senior vice president of Nourion's polymer specialty business, said that while cost remains the main driver of customer demand, there is growing interest in more sustainable solutions. Rynwalt said customers are willing to pay for value-added solutions. More sustainable solutions are expected to bring more economic benefits. "An important development in the current market is the recycling of polymers, the application of which is growing rapidly, and we have developed solutions to support our customers in the mechanical recycling of polyolefins. We have also developed solutions that improve the performance of recycled materials, enabling recycled plastics to be used in more value-added applications. In addition, we investigate technical solutions that support other types of recycling, including chemical recycling. ”

Nourion said the company is committed to a sustainable future by constantly evolving and innovating to provide customers with more sustainable solutions. Approximately 71% of the company's global R&D pipeline is focused on solutions with sustainable benefits, revolving around polymer catalyst products.

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